Matsuri (祭り)

Our biggest annual event is called Matsuri, where we bring together traditional Japanese food and snacks as well as great performances from the whole Pittsburgh community. Planning for this event takes multiple months, and all the JSA members come together to make the best Japanese festival experience possible.

2022-23 Matsuri Flier

Thank you for attending this year's Matsuri!

More information about next year's Matsuri will be released later in the Fall 2024 semester. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, please enjoy the photo gallery below to see how previous Matsuri's were like.

Previous Matsuri Photos

Matsuri 2024 Banner
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi
Serving sushi

Matsuri 2022 Banner
Making takoyaki
Playing kingyo sukui
Calligraphy game
Band performing
Serving yakisoba
Executive board performing rajio taiso
Play Nintendo switch games
Making takoyaki
Band performing

Matsuri 2022 Banner
Serving sushi
Takoyaki Booth
Cooking yakisoba
Yakisoba booth
JSA Matsuri group photo
Selling tickets

Taiko performance
Matsuri opening speech
Shabu shabu
Shakuhachi performance
Shamisen performance
Matsuri 2021 logo

Matsuri organizers pose
Taiko performance
Woman with booths in background
Booths and lanterns
JSA Matsuri group photo
Small group photo

Woman posing behind bowls of yakisoba
Pouring sauce onto takoyaki
Two people cook food
Visiters walk by booths
Small group photo
Kimono dressing

Untangling string lights
Guitar and ukulele performance
Toddler plays goldfish scooping (kingyosukui)
Making crepes
Visiters at booths
Pouring syrup onto dango

Man poses for camera
Matsuri organizers pose
Visiters fold origami
Two people in cosplay posing
Band performs on stage
Two people eating yakisoba